Weather Source’s curated continuum of historical, present, forecast, and climatology weather data is available via the Knoema data catalog as of November 2020. Weather Source’s historical data stretches back to the year 2000 and its forecast data includes a 15-day outlook with an enhanced view out 42 days. Knoema helps bring Weather Source’s extensive global dataset, which is petabyte-scale and growing, to the worldwide data marketplace.
Knoema’s end-to-end data and knowledge management platform integrates, visualizes, and autonomously discovers proprietary and subscription data throughout enterprises. Knoema believes in helping companies create cultures of knowledge sharing and discovery where information finds users where they work. Knoema enables teams of data scientists, analysts, and data officers to collaborate through its integrated suite of tools to upload, share, manage, visualize, and maintain all their data assets on a single platform.